Know Islam Electronic File Collection

These PDF files are the perfect choice to get to know Islam or to gift them to a non-Muslim friend, each file contains clips and books that were downloaded and assembled by IPC teachers. Choose one of these file collections according to your preferred language. You can download and share the files.

Know Islam Collection - English
Know Islam Collection - French
Know Islam Collection - Spanish
Know Islam Collection - Tagalog
A PDF File which contains clips and books for Tagalog speakers who are interested in knowing more about Islam.
Know Islam Collection - Tamil
A PDF File which contains clips and books for Tamil speakers who are interested in knowing more about Islam.
Know Islam Collection - Malayalam
A PDF File which contains clips and books for Malayalam speakers who are interested in knowing more about Islam.
Know Islam Collection - Amharic
A PDF File which contains clips and books for Amharic speakers who are interested in knowing more about Islam.
Know Islam Collection - Hindi
A PDF File which contains clips and books for English speakers who are interested in knowing more about Islam.
Know Islam Collection - Telugu
A PDF File which contains clips and books for Telugu speakers who are interested in knowing more about Islam.
Know Islam Collection - Sinhala
A PDF File which contains clips and books for Sinhala speakers who are interested in knowing more about Islam.

Translations of Quran

Translation of Quran in English
Translation of Quran in Tagalog
Translation of Quran in Telugu
Translation of Quran in Sinhala
Translation of Quran in Tamil

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